TrailRunner – Cool GPS track planning tool for Mac OS X

I just discovered a cool GPS track editing and planning tool for Mac OS X, it’s called TrailRunner ( Have been playing with just for an hour trying to plan a hiking tour for 1st of May and are quite amazed how many features are included and how well it is designed.
It has integrated several online map services (Google, Openstreetmap, Bing, …) to show your tracks on road maps, terrain maps and satellite or aerial photos.

Edit table cell in iwork 08 numbers

There was one thing driving me nuts working with the Apple spreadsheet application Numbers, which was introduced with iwork 08. It’s trying to edit a table cell without using the mouse. When you worked with Excel before, you are used to just press F2. But I couldn’t find a keyboard shortcut to do same in Numbers. But there is one, although it was hard to find in the documentation:
Press Option (Alt) + Return to edit the value of a selected cell without having to use the mouse to click the cell.